The National Democratic Party

Lose the election chairman of the Golkar Party, Boss Media Group Surya Paloh make a breakthrough. Acehnese men will be declared mass organization called the National Democratic Party.

According to the committee chairman as well as a declaration of the Democratic National deklarator, Meutia Hafidz, the declaration will be held at Jakarta Convention Center (JCC) on February 1, 2010 at 15:00 pm.

"The bottom line is we want to do social activities that help people in various fields, such as education, health, agriculture and so on," said Meutia Hafidz to Detikcom, Tuesday (26/1/2010).

The figures will come to declare this organization, according to Meutia, numbering 45 people. Some famous names who joined in included Anies Baswedan, Sultan Hamengkubuwono X, Syafii Maarif, Eep Saifullah Fatah, Khofifah Indarparawansa and Surya Paloh as the main founder.

"The deklarator come from professions such as cross-cultural experts, academics, all kinds, including members of parliament from various factions," he added.

Meutia denied this organization will lead to the formation of political parties. But if the people want, it is not impossible to Democratic National political party.

"No plans for that (political parties). It's just not not ruled that way if the community wants," he concluded.


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