cocoa production will rise 8%

ASKINDO estimating cocoa production in Indonesia this year will rise 8% to 540,000 tonnes compared with last year to 500,000.

General Chairman of Indonesian Cocoa Association (ASKINDO) Halim Razak said that Indonesia is a producer of cocoa beans in the world's third largest with a total production reached 500,000 tons per year. Largest producer of cocoa in Ivory Coast occupied the world for 1.3 million tons of Ghana followed by 750,000 tons.

Cocoa plantation in the country, he said, about 1.5 million ha, which means that productivity 400-500 kg per hectare is very low compared with other countries. In fact, the productivity of cocoa, he said, could reach 2 tons per hectare. Cocoa can produce a variety of derivative products such as ore that will produce cocoa butter and cocoa cake.

"The impact of the national movement through the intensification of cocoa land, rejuvenation and expansion of the garden will make the production increase," he said, January 18, 2010.

He explained that cocoa industry to do with the Asean-China FTA (ACFTA) throughout the country wearing nothing ore tariffs except in the European cocoa.

"It's 0% [ore import duty tariffs cocoa], except for Indonesia is the only country that still wore ore cocoa and its products," he said.

Import duty on Indonesian cocoa, he said, by 5% and its derivative products are also 5%.
According to Halim, because other countries apply import duty 0% cocoa, the cocoa industry in the country can not be competitive compared to other countries.

He added to produce good cocoa powder, it still must import about 10% -15% of the total needs of cocoa in the country to produce a good product. This causes the domestic market imported cocoa powder invaded approximately 22,000 tons.

He admitted had proposed that tariffs 0% cocoa powder, so that domestic industry can compete. "We're late anticipation, already proposed imports from Africa with a 0% of import duty, finally [cocoa industry in the country] can not compete."

He recommended that the government improve infrastructure, especially electricity. Electricity supply, he said, will affect the processing of cocoa butter.


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