
Showing posts from April, 2020

Corona, Jaga Jarak, dan Satu Suara

Harus diakui, dalam tiga bulan terakhir ini, kepanikan di masyarakat tereskalasi begitu cepat. Kekhawatiran akan pandemi virus COVID-19 atau sering disebut virus corona begitu nyata. Cerita seram tak hanya di China, kini semua orang jadi takut. Tak hanya di Jakarta dan daerah sekitarnya yang menjadi episenter, nyaris semua daerah di Tanah Air kini waspada. Di Sumatra hingga Papua, masyarakat menjadi khawatir. Pemerintah pusat dan provinsi pun kelabakan. Sesuai anjuran WHO, pemerintah sejak Februari telah menyerukan kepada masyarakat untuk melakukan social distancing atau mengurangi kegiatan yang melibatkan banyak orang. Skema social distancing ini penting untuk memutus mata rantai penyebaran virus Covid-19. Premisnya, semakin sedikit orang yang berinteraksi di tempat umum, semakin kecil pula ruang penyebaran virus tersebut. Imbauan itu memang sangat baik dilakukan. Namun, abai diterapkan masyarakat. Ada beberapa penyebab, anjuran social distancing tak dipatuhi masyarakat. Komu

COVID-19 and the Unemployment Dilemma in Indonesia

Large-scale social restrictions (PSBB) have been implemented in DKI Jakarta. Similar schemes are also immediately done in the buffer area of the capital such as Bogor, Depok, Tangerang and Bekasi. All of this is an attempt to break the chain of COVID-19 virus propagation. However, every effort to stem the pandemic of the disease carries consequences in other sectors. Economic activity remains the way, but it is very limited. Over the past two months, lethargy has struck business actors, ranging from micro to large corporations. The most affected sector of this disease is the business that relates to mobility and dealing directly with the community. In the tourism industry, hotel business, restaurants, aviation, public transport, as well as other related industries, there are many companies whose businesses are kembang-kempis. They have to find ways to stay afloat. Concerns about termination of employment (layoffs/PHK) are so real. For middle-class companies, doing PH

Corona, Mudik 2020, and Unlucky Sacrifice

There may not be such a large and greatest movement of human beings occurring in the modern era, other than travel during the feasts. Eid Mubarak Homecoming in Indonesia is one of the largest village home rituals in the world in addition to Chinese Chinese homecoming. Although ritual activities are routine, each year has always had different challenges. If every year discussed is the holiday time related to the government's holiday schedule and additional leave, this time is almost similar but different cause. foto: Twitter/@polresta_dps This year, Corona's pandemic plague has transformed so many things. In DKI Jakarta, which has become the epicenter of pandemic, the provincial government has conducted an emergency response policy. Social restrictions on school holidays and tourist attractions are followed by the application of work from home, making the capital city Lenggang. Since the establishment of emergency response in DKI Jakarta, there has been a