Tea Auction

The first tea auction in 2010 successful with prime auctioning two types of tea-Orthodox and CTC-as much as 933,820 kilograms worth US$1.85 million, while sales estimated at US$2 million.

"Total two types of tea auctioned 1.13 million kilograms. If until this week it sold, the state will have revenue of more than US$ 2 million," said Head of Marketing Sales PT Kharisma Nusantara Bersama (KPB PT Nusantara), Dadang Juanda to Bisnis Indonesia, recently.

Sales value worth more than US$1.8 million, he continued, is the result of sales made to both types of tea which was considered an average of US$1.98,54.

Dadang explained that sold tea is produced PTPN IV, PTPN VI PTPN VIII, IX and PTPN PTPN XII. "If all [the production of PTPN] sold a result of more than US$2 million, at least US$21.5 million. I'm optimistic it could be sold. The problem is only at its limit price," said Dadang who became Prime Tea Auction Committee 2010.

According to him, at the beginning of this week, the company will gain from the sale of tea that was not sold. "I believe that until early this week will be worth over US$200,000, so the sales value could be over US$ 2 million," he said.

Chairman of the National Tea Council, Grace Badrudin, said tea production managed state-owned companies registered 80,000 tons, or 50% of the total national production of 137,000 tons / year. "That tea products manufactured state-owned companies are still more dominant than the production company run by private or public," said the former Chairman of the Tea Association of Indonesia (ATI) is.

Public interest to manage the tea plantations, he said, had declined sharply. Even in 1991 in North Sumatra (North Sumatra) had been a transfer of tea plantations into the rice paddy fields to reach 6,000 ha. "People are leaving a lot of tea plantation business and move to develop rice farming in 1991," he said.

The reason, says Grace, tea prices are still far from the standard of living needs of the community. However, lately, he's getting better because the price of tea in the international market has reached US$2.5 per kg.


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